Understanding Electric Bikes (eBikes)

What is an eBike?

An eBike integrates a battery-powered motor with traditional bicycle components to enhance your riding experience. It assists your pedaling effort, allowing you to ride easier and faster. Motors are mainly found in two places: the hub of a wheel (hub-drive) or near the pedals (mid-drive). Mid-drive motors are more common and provide a seamless biking experience similar to that of a regular bike when not in use.

How Do eBikes Work?

eBikes feature different levels of pedal assistance that help the rider according to the force they apply:

  • Cadence Sensing: Offers consistent motor power based on pedaling speed.
  • Torque Sensing: Adjusts power dynamically based on how hard you pedal, offering a more natural biking feel.

eBike Classifications

Class 1: Pedal-assist only, max speed of 20mph.

Class 2: Includes both pedal-assist and throttle, max speed of 20mph.

Class 3: Pedal-assist up to 28mph, generally restricted from non-paved surfaces. Restricted to age 16 and above. All eRiders are required to wear helmets regardless of age.

Why Choose an eBike?

eBikes can help conquer challenging terrain, extend your riding range, keep pace with more experienced cyclists, or replace car trips for more eco-friendly commuting.


eBikes often require the same maintenance as traditional bikes, such as changing brake pads, tires, and chains. However, mid-drive systems may increase the frequency of chain replacements.
It’s important that you have a license eBike mechanic perform work on your eBike. Never modify your eBike without consulting with a licensed eBike mechanic who is familiar with local regulations. 


If you have any questions concerns, reach out to us at and we will find you an answer or point you in the right direction.

Considering an eBike?
Five Key Benefits You Need to Know

eBikes provide unique advantages that are drawing in more and more eRiders every day. Let’s talk facts

Cost Savings with eBikes:

Commuting with an eBike instead of a car can save you around $6,000 annually. This significant saving arises from reduced operating and ownership costs.

Operating Costs


eBikes offer immense savings, with costs for electric power dramatically lower than gasoline. 

Maintenance and Repairs

eBikes generally have fewer mechanical components than cars, which means less frequent and less costly repairs.


Forget about parking fees; eBikes can be parked for free almost anywhere.

Ownership Costs


eBikes depreciate less than cars, preserving more of their value over time.

Insurance and Registration

eBikes are cheaper to insure and often don’t require registration fees.

Environmental and Health Benefits

Riding an eBike reduces your carbon footprint significantly compared to driving. Each trip made on an eBike instead of a car cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions. Plus, despite the pedal assistance, riders still engage in physical activity, enhancing cardiovascular health and aiding in weight management.

Accessibility and Convenience

eBikes level the playing field, making cycling accessible to a wider range of people, including those with physical limitations or those who live in hilly areas. They also facilitate easy commuting without the need for specialized attire or showers upon arrival at work.

Common Questions About eBikes:

Are eBikes good exercise?

Yes, riders get more exercise overall because they tend to ride farther and more often.

Can eBikes go up steep hills?

Absolutely, their motor assistance makes climbing hills much easier.

Can an eBike replace a car?

For many people, especially in urban settings, an eBike can completely replace a car for daily commuting and errands.

Cost Comparison Calculator from a car to eBike

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