CVC = California Vehicle Code

eRider = Electrical bicycle rider

CVC 21200.5

Don’t be under the influence while riding an eBike

CVC 21201(d)

During darkness, eBikes need: 1. A white headlight that is visible from 300 feet 2. A red reflector or solid/flashing red light on the rear visible from 500 feet to the rear 3. A white or yellow reflector on each pedal, shoe, or ankle visible from the front and rear of the bicycle from a distance of 200 feet 4. A white or yellow reflector on each side forward of the center of the bicycle and a white or red reflector on each side to the rear of the center of the bicycle. These reflectors are not required if the bicycle has reflectorized front and back tires. 

CVC 21950

eRiders are required to yield to pedestrians already in the roadway

CVC 23123.5

Don’t use your cell phone while riding

CVC 21650.1

eRiders are required to ride in the same direction of vehicular traffic (with the ‘flow of traffic’).

CVC 21204

All passengers need their own separate seat (single oversized seats don’t count)

CVC 21212(a)

eRiders & passengers under 18 are required to wear a helmet [VoltVerified and medical experts recommend ALL riders wear helmets]

CVC 21453

eRiders are required to stop for all red lights

CVC 22108

eRiders are required to use hand signals for at least 100 feet before their intended turn

CVC 22450(a)

eRiders need to come to a complete stop behind the “limit line” (white line) before proceeding.

CVC 27400

Don’t cover both ears with earbuds/headphones while riding (one ear okay)

Please email us at [email protected] to book your hands-on training.

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